Thursday, April 2, 2009

Architectural Trends in Macedonia

by Nora Arsovska

The post earthquake reconstruction of Skopje is the golden (only) period of Macedonian architecture and urbanism, when it follows the global trends and sets certain contemporary designing tools and directions on the domestic scene. This is the period when great number of important urban and architectural plans had been completed or partially realized and had become representatives of their time. Most of the realized plans had been made in accordance with the principals of the Modernism. Many dwelling parts in the town of Skopje have the contemporary urban concept and are realized with modern analytic and synthetic methodology.
During the second half of the 90’s, XX century, parallel with the independence of Macedonia as a republic, a tendency of gradual degradation can be noticed in the architectural and urban development. The descending trend at first was explicitly presented in the single family dwelling design, when the investor took the role of the architect. Eclecticism and kitsch progressed rapidly fast, and for short time the neo-styles reached their higher level in Macedonia. Neo-classical, neo-antique and many other neo styles become the favorite architectural solution for the single family houses. Soon the neo-styles transferred from individual housing to the public buildings in the central urban tissue. The transfer of eclecticism made from individual to public level concerned certain number of professionals that quietly disagreed with this trend.
The eclectic urban esthetic escalated and reached its pick, when the government became investor of public buildings and monuments according individual taste. The bizarreness of shaping the city culminated when several buildings with hybrid appearance were planned to be or are positioned on locations that are not planed as building parcels in the Master Plan for the City Center, without initiating public debate.
In general, two opposite tendencies can be distinguished in the latest public urban activities in Macedonia. The first one is inclined towards resurrecting the pre earthquake neo-classical buildings so called ghosts, realizing neo-antique and other public building with eclectic styles. The numerous winner projects on the international competition announced by the government certify this tendency. On the other hand there is certain number of competition winner projects that with their function and appearing are bringing back the faith in the urban aesthetic.
Here follows an illustration of the opposite tendencies through a number of examples, some realized and some waiting (or not) to be realized:
The Monumental Home of Mother Teresa is the strangest surreal experience one could have. This “monument”, chosen as a winner on a second competition call under curious circumstances provoked controversial public reactions. In general, the building should represent the traditional Macedonian house that was the unrealized dream of Mother Teresa. The quazi-monument is out of time and fashion placed on non existing building area on the most attractive walking street in Skopje in front of the modernistic concert hall of the Army of Macedonia.

Another example of the eclectic tendency is the plan for the building of the Constitutional Court/Archeological Museum/Archive that is planned to (or not) be situated on the left bank of the river Vardar. This monument is mimicry of antique temple, situated in a non-suiting contemporary surrounding.

The winning project for the competition for architectural design of a new building for the theater Center in Skopje is more progressive and contemporary solution that follows the world trends. According the authors the geometry of the auditorium is derived from the classical European theater. The appearance of the theater, the skin of the building that is a kind of city curtain is very similar to the one of the Dallas Center for performing arts.

Dallas Center for performing arts

The project for the Macedonian Philharmony should be situated near the Neo-antique temple of the Constitutional Court/Archeological Museum/Archive on the left key of the river. This is a complex building with contemporary look , rounded shape that obviously fits more in the surrounding than the building of the Constitutional Court/Archeological Museum/Archive.


  1. Eventhough I'm not an architect, I agree with your observation concerning macedonian architectural trends.
    Unfortinatelly, Skopje, became and it is still becoming an ugly patchwork, made by clumsy political hands with no sense of aesthetics.
    As you say "the bizzarness of shaping city..."
    is very much present in all styles (from antique to neo-modern) and that gives a really bad amater image of a city which do not deserves it.
    Hopefully, a miracle will happen, saving Skopje from its self-destruction.

  2. The miracle that could save our city will happen only if we express our attitude out loud and react on all the symptoms of irregularity and kitsch in our society.
    The other way, would be as Nebojsa Vilic says in an interview for the weekly magazine Globus, “…to wait for the next earthquake…”.
