Friday, April 3, 2009

"Ich bin ein Berliner" in Rennes

Exibition on 20 years of the fall of the Berlin Wall
by Ivana Velkovska

On June 26, 1963 , the American president John F. Kennedy, held a speech in Berlin, supporting West Germany, after the Communist State of East Germany build up the Berlin Wall, which separated the East from the West.

All free men, wherever they may live, are citizens of Berlin, and, therefore, as a free man, I take pride in the words 'Ich bin ein Berliner!'

Students of last year in graphic design at Lisaa ( College of Applied Arts) in Rennes, France, were given a task to create posters on Europe, seen throughout its history, sociology, economy, geography and culture...

The goal was to express different visions and ideas of young people, who have lived in a "free" Europe without a Wall separating the Est from the West. The quotation "Ich bin ein Berliner" was here represented as a part of European consciousness for freedom, tolerence and diversity. Later, the Euporean motto will be : "Unity in diversity".

The only remark is that in general, there was very little critics, or personal point of view on the given subject. The exibition remains a polite and at the moments, sterile image of Europe. The most of the posters waer only just beautiful visuals projecting optimism and harmony in the "Unity"...

Despite many negative elements still present in Europe, the students gave a very optimistic vision of what Europe represents today. Maybe just too much optimistic. The exibition took place in the Franco-American Institut in Rennes, from 17 to 31 March.


  1. pa daj da izgradime i nie eden zid na granica so Slovenija da razberat deka virtuelno postoi, pa moze ke dojde Obama


  2. eh i jas toa im kazuvam na francuzive, deka se ushte postoi berlinski zid pomegju istotkot i zapadot, ama ne sakaat da veruvaat!!!
    Kje moraat da poveruvaat koa kje mi doagjaat na gosti, granici, druga parichna moneta....chudno kje im stane! Evropa?
